Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Water Ablution

Life is all and everything
What is there if there is no sky
Not a drop of rain to walk along the ocean
Life meets life in eternal joy and glory
When soul kisses soul.

Hunger perishes us
Hunger diminishes us in disgraced soliloquy
Yet life spreads its wings in fluttering winds
Life fights life in breathing fire
When all songs are forbidden
At the fall of a nestling sparrow
All streams stop praying for freedom.

Sing songs for the fighting souls
Who have gone to win battles of freedom
Never to return home after the gusty war
Life will enhance their lives someday
Someday they will defeat their evils.

We will pray for life
We will worship life like thousand suns
Brighter days will rise in our sun
We will do water ablution one and all
We will worship life in sacred water.

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