Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wall of Silence

Eyes wide shut out
Walls of time frozen into a black chiaroscuro
Sounds listening in deeper voice from a yonder horizon
All the morrows drowned into cyclopic sorrows
Faces smaller than the squarespace orbs
All disguises torn apart rather in simultaneous orgies
Who can fathom the depth of silence?

They are come from the land of all seasons
As simple as the withering leaves follow the course of light
As if no death can extinguish the ray promises of crying souls
But where are the colours to paint the timelessness?
Where is that architect to build the buoy of life?
It is survival for existence all the way
It is the rule of the game
Who can swear all for nothing?

They are come from the land of smaller Gods
A child in lap never tranquilises the trauma of worse days
All in a moment's lapse it is wall of silence
Standing erect all above the sky.

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